Nearly Half Of Game Of Thrones Season 5 Leaks Online


Just one night before Game of Thrones Season 5 was set to debut on HBO, the first four episodes of the 10-episode season have leaked online. First spotted on private torrent tracker IPT late last night, the episodes have since spread to other public sites, and according to TorrentFreak, have already been downloaded more than 100,000 times in the first three hours.

The leaks are likely from a review copy sent to the press, and the watermark has been obscured resulting in the episodes being only standard definition. Being in standard definition may sway some some Game of Thrones fans away from watching when they could just wait a few weeks to watch in HD, but more than a million torrents are expected to be downloaded before Season 5 premieres tonight.

Game of Thrones is already the most pirated television show in history, and this new leak isn’t going to help them lose that crown any time soon. Despite HBO’s best efforts to curb this pirating trend, including the standalone HBO Now package, fans have still found a way to torrent the show easier than ever.

As a standard viewer who doesn’t wish to watch episodes ahead of time, the most obvious downside of this leak is going to be spoilers. Game of Thrones fans who only watch the show and have never read the A Song of Ice and Fire series it is based on have already had a hard enough time avoiding spoilers, and that’s going to be made even more difficult with a large chunk of the Internet already having seen the first four episodes.

While I have yet to actually watch the episodes (I’m on the “wait for a higher quality” boat), it’s not hard to admit that the temptation is there. Is it worth it to watch the episodes now and essentially twiddle your thumbs for the next month while everyone else enjoys the new episodes as they come? That’s a decision you’ll have to make if you want to download the leaks. I’m not going to supply the link here, but it can be easily found with a quick Google search if you’re interested.

Just don’t be a “someone who names their sword” and go yelling spoilers all over Twitter, please.

[button type=”link” link=”” variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Source: TorrentFreak[/button]

Last Updated on January 12, 2019.


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