New Xbox One Experience Rolling Out To All Xbox Dashboard Preview Members


All Xbox users who are part of the Xbox Dashboard Preview and opted in to the New Xbox One Experience beta test should see the updated dashboard rolling out over the next few days. While anyone who was part of the Dashboard preview could opt-in, Xbox was rolling it out to small select groups of users based on the amount of feedback they gave previously.

The news came from Mike Ybarra on Twitter as he responded to a question from an Xbox One user.

As the preview is being rolled out across the board, one can hope and assume that a lot of the initial bugs have been resolved. The New Xbox One Experience, as Xbox is calling it, promises significant speed enhancements to the dashboard and is one of the biggest updates to the console since its release almost two years ago. Initial tests have already indicated that it is much faster than the current Xbox One dashboard and is even faster than the latest PlayStation 4 update.

Have you been part of the New Xbox One Experience preview? Have you been waiting and received the update recently? Let us know what you think about the new dashboard, or what feature are you are looking forward to most when you do receive the update in the comments below, or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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